The alumni association named SPOORTHI was established in the year 2009 and was registered on 29 December 2009 under Andhra Pradesh Public Societies Registration Act 35 of 2001. The association was formulated with management authorities, administrative staff and Alumni of Mamata Dental College. The alumni playa major role in guiding students for pursuing higher studies or to continue their career as Dentist in the society.
- They connect the outgoing students and the outside world where they are expected to address need in the health care sector.
- To motivate and encourage the outgoing students for further higher studies
- To deliver guest lectures during orientation programs for final year students
List of activities:
- 2016 Guest talk on career guidance
- 2017 Sharing of their professional experience
- 2018 Guest talk on practice management
- 2019 Guest talk about tobacco prevention
- 2020 Guest talk on preserving nature